:: take me out to the ballgame ::

{district champs}

When I started dating Nate, I pretty much knew nothing about baseball.  The boys were cute and I had a little Yankee baseball cap.  {which I had to trash, since we're Braves fans in this house} that was pretty much the extent of my knowledge.  Now, it's something that I absolutly love. It's a part of our family and I can't imagine our Spring/Summer without ballgames.

This year as baseball season came to an end it's been a little bittersweet.  Casey is a Senior and come next season, it will take an airplane ride to watch him play.  But you better believe we're going to watch him play. It's one of our favorite things.

I couldn't resist! Jackobi gets a kick of seeing Casey on TV.  We DVR'd a couple of his interviews so she can watch them whenever she wants.  She likes her Uncle Case just a little bit :)

Nate has helped coach the past couple of years and really loves it.  Jackobi has loved going to the baseball field and running around with him.  It's a little bonding moment for them. I don't think J is going to give up her seat next to her Daddy in the Gator anytime soon!

With a Minico baseball season, a trip to Boise for State comes each Spring.  We had lots of fun this year and were so happy to have some sunny skies! (last year it snowed!)

Kashton did his best to rock a mini mo.hawk to support his Spartans & Jackobi loved every ounce of sunshine we were able to soak in.

and although victory wasn't in our future, it was sure fun to watch these boys grow as a team.

love these two.
the hotel was a hit
{at least with Jackobi}
she keeps asking to go back.
Kashton wasn't a fan.

We've loved this baseball season and are sad to see it end!  Luckily, we'll have some summer ball to keep us busy ... if {summer} ever decides to come that is!

rain, shine ::and:: the idaho wind

The weeks have been flying by and we've been keeping busy in our little world over here.  Everyday when Nate gets home from baseball, the sun setting in the background, he asks Jackobi what we've done all day ... and she always responds, played with (insert friend's name here, whether it be Peyton or Anna ... whether we did or not.)  and then an I don't know Dad.  Our weeks have felt insanley busy, but if you were to ask me what we've done, I'm really not sure! I guess the simple pleasures of life have been keeping us busy.

Our poor little would be flower bed has become a digging haven for Jackobi.  It's her daily ritual (as long as the sun is out & the wind isn't blowing 20 miles per hour.) She builds castles with slides running down them and stacks mounds of dirt as high as she can stand it before knocking it over. Lots of giggles and imagination happen in this little corner of our yard.

We've started to try and embrace the Idaho wind (as if we really have a choice).  The sprinkle of sunny days we've had over the past weeks have made us even more antsy for the weeks of warm sunshine and sunkist cheeks that I know must be coming soon.  In the mean time, we bought a kite to celebrate the wind.

I decided that kites are a glorious thing.  Jackobi adores it.  It's fun to watch daddy and daughter hand in hand, running underneath that kite.  It makes me not cringe quite so hard when the breeze is a little too much for Kashton and me.

and then there's bubbles.  We love bubbles in our house. Spring would not be complete if there weren't days upon days spent blowing, chasing and catching bubbles.

sheer excitement and bliss.  love it.

Kashton is being quickly initiated into our Spring festivities.
I'm sure he'll be joining in the fun before I can blink.

Summer is so close I can almost taste it.
Hopefully it's filled with more of our
favorite simple pleasures.