
A couple of weeks ago we found out that Leighton's surgeon [amazing surgeon might I add] was moving back to Boston.  The head of one of the organizations we're a part of was putting together a book for him as a token of appreciation - she asked each of us to submit a couple pictures of our "heart hero's" along with some surgery dates and a little note for Dr. Kaza.  We jumped at this opportunity -- what a neat idea. [the end result is amazing, might I add.  Talk about a book full of MIRACLES!]  However, I must admit, in looking for photos of Leighton I became a little disappointed in MYSELF for the lack of record keeping the last well ... um year! So :: here it is.  Re-commitment from me.  To do better.  I'm going to try and update my blog once a week :)  so they may be short - filled with trivial happenings of our lives, but I'd rather have that to look back on and smile than blank pages.  So ... here goes nothing~

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